The Top Answering Service for Small Business

Regardless of the business you’re in, every customer interaction is an important opportunity to make a good impression (and possibly make a sale). Missed calls translate into lost leads, frustrated clients, and a potential mark on your brand reputation. But for small businesses, maintaining constant phone coverage can feel like a logistical nightmare. Juggling phone calls alongside a million other tasks can be overwhelming, disrupting your ability to focus on core business activities.

Enter the world of answering services – your secret weapon when it comes to managing your business calls effectively. These tools act as an extension of your small business, ensuring every call receives a professional response 24/7. Think of it as having a dedicated receptionist but without the overhead costs associated with a full-time employee.

What is an Answering Service?

As a small business owner, juggling calls, emails, and other tasks can sometimes leave you feeling overwhelmed. This is where answering services come in handy, acting as an extension of your team and ensuring you never miss a potential customer or important message.

An answering service is a third-party company that specializes in handling your business calls. They use a team of trained and professional virtual receptionists who answer your calls according to your pre-defined instructions. Generally speaking, these virtual receptionists can:

  • Greet callers professionally and project a positive image for your business.
  • Take detailed messages, capturing the caller’s name, the reason for calling, and any other relevant information.
  • Schedule appointments (only certain services offer this feature).
  • Transfer calls to you or your team members, depending on your preferences.
  • Dispatch emergency calls if necessary.

Essentially, an answering service acts as a virtual receptionist, available at all times, to ensure your calls are always answered quickly and professionally. This allows you to focus on core business activities while maintaining seamless communication with your customers.

How Does an Answering Service Work?

answering service benefits

First and foremost, answering services are designed to improve efficiency and enhance flexibility. Here’s a breakdown of the typical features on offer:

  • Call Forwarding: You configure your phone system to forward unanswered calls to the answering service during business hours, after-hours, weekends, or as based on your needs.
  • Professional Greeting: A friendly and professional virtual receptionist greets the caller according to your pre-recorded script or customized instructions.
  • Message Taking: If the caller leaves a message, the virtual receptionist captures the caller’s name, the reason for calling, and any other relevant details. These messages can be delivered to you via phone, email, text message, or even transcribed for your convenience.
  • Call Transferring: Depending on your requirements, the virtual receptionist can transfer urgent calls directly to you or your team members.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Many answering services provide detailed reports on call volume, message summaries, and even caller demographics. This valuable data can help you identify trends, improve your communication strategies, and make informed business decisions.

The exact functionalities of an answering service will vary depending on the provider and the plan you choose. However, the core concept remains the same: to provide professional call handling, message management, and increased efficiency for your small business.

How to Choose the Best Answering Service for Small Businesses?

answering service for small business

Choosing the right answering service can significantly boost your small business’s communication and customer experience. However, with a multitude of providers competing for your attention, navigating the selection process can feel overwhelming. Here’s a guide to help you make a well-informed decision:

Identify Your Business Needs

Everything begins with self-discovery. Start by taking stock of your personal needs. Here are some essential questions to consider:

  • Call Volume: On average, how many calls do you receive per day? Does this fluctuate throughout the week or month? Analyze your call history to understand your typical volume and peak call times. A service with flexible plans can accommodate seasonal variations.
  • Business Hours: Do you operate with traditional business hours (9-5, Monday-Friday) or do you require after-hours and weekend coverage? Choose a service that aligns with your specific operating schedule to ensure you never miss a potential customer.
  • Message Handling: How important to you is capturing a message in detail? Do you need the service to record the caller’s details, reason for calling, and any specific information? Or is a simple message notification sufficient for your needs?
  • Integrations: Consider how important seamless integration with your existing business tools is for streamlining your workflow and centralizing data. Do you use a specific CRM, scheduling software, or other applications that you’d like the answering service to integrate with?

By clearly outlining your business needs, you can narrow down your search and identify services that cater to your unique requirements.

Research Service Providers

Once you have a clear understanding of your requirements, start exploring the world of answering services. Here are some helpful tips for your research phase:

  • Read online reviews and testimonials: Gain insights from other small businesses who have used answering services. Look for reviews that mention features, customer service, and overall value.
  • Compare features and pricing: Visit different service provider websites, comparing their features and pricing structures to find the best fit for your budget and needs. Many services offer tiered plans with varying levels of functionality.
  • Don’t hesitate to test out free trials: Many answering services offer free trials or demos, allowing you to test-drive their features and see if they align with your expectations. This is a great opportunity to experience the quality of service firsthand.
  • Consider asking for referrals: Talk to colleagues or fellow business owners in your network. They might have valuable recommendations based on their own experiences.

Evaluate Features, Technology and Integrations

While exploring different answering services, prioritize features that you’ll use daily. Here are some of the most important features to consider:

  • 24/7 Availability: Offers coverage around the clock and every day of the year to never miss a potential customer or important message. This is especially crucial for businesses operating outside traditional business hours or with a global customer base.
  • Customization: Lets you personalize your experience. This includes creating greetings that match your brand voice, setting preferred methods for receiving messages (phone calls, email, text), and even defining custom business rules. For example, you might want calls from existing customers directed to a specific department.
  • Detailed Reporting: Allows you to gain valuable insights into call volume, trends, and caller demographics. This data can help you make informed business decisions, such as optimizing your marketing campaigns or adjusting your staffing levels.
  • Mobile App Access: Helps manage your answering service and access messages on the go from your smartphone or tablet. This encourages ultimate flexibility and ensures you stay connected even when you’re not physically in the office.
  • Integrations: Provides integration with your existing CRM, scheduling tools, and other business applications. This will streamline your workflow, centralize data, and eliminate the need for manual data entry – especially important for small business with limited resources.

Compare Pricing

Answering services typically offer tiered pricing plans based on features and call volume. Here is what to consider when comparing pricing:

  • Monthly base fees: This is the fixed monthly cost you’ll pay regardless of call volume.
  • Per-minute charges: Some services charge based on the total call duration. This can be a good option for businesses with predictable call volume. However, if you experience fluctuations or high call volume, a per-minute pricing structure might lead to unexpected costs.
  • Package deals: Some providers offer bundled packages that include a set number of minutes per month at a fixed price. This can be a cost-effective option for businesses with a consistent call volume.
  • Hidden fees: Be sure to inquire about any additional fees, such as setup costs, cancellation fees, or charges for exceeding included minutes. Factor these into your overall pricing comparison.

Pro tip: Don’t be afraid to negotiate. Many answering services are willing to work with you to create a custom plan that meets your specific needs and budget.

Top Answering Services for Small Business in 2024

Now that you know what features to look out for, let’s take a look at some of top contenders in the 2024 market and see how CloudCall stacks up against the competition.

Choosing the right answering service can be a game-changer for your small business, ensuring you never miss a call and always project a professional image. But with a wide variety of options available, choosing the right one can be difficult. Here’s a breakdown of some of the most popular solutions, comparing features, use cases, and pros & cons to help you find your perfect fit.


CloudCall stands out with its affordable monthly options, making it a scalable solution for businesses of all sizes. It seamlessly integrates with your existing CRM, scheduling tools, and other applications, streamlining your workflow for maximum efficiency.

Use Cases: Ideal for businesses seeking a scalable solution with powerful integrations and a focus on affordability.


  • Cost-effective pricing plans
  • Extensive integrations for streamlined workflows
  • User-friendly mobile app for on-the-go access
  • Feature-rich with call forwarding, message customization, and detailed reporting


  • CloudCall’s wide feature set might be overkill for businesses with basic call-answering requirements. Consider a simpler option if extensive functionalities aren’t necessary.



VoiceNation caters to businesses with lower call volume, offering affordable plans with basic features. It has bilingual capabilities (English and Spanish), making it a good option for customer bases with diverse languages.

Use Cases: Ideal for small businesses with limited budgets and a need for bilingual support.


  • Affordable pricing structure
  • Bilingual receptionists for a broader customer reach
  • User-friendly interface for managing calls and messages


  • Limited feature set compared to more expensive options
  • Fewer customization options for specific workflows



AbbyConnect is known for its high level of customization and the use of AI to personalize the caller experience. This can be particularly beneficial for businesses with more complex needs.

Use Cases: Ideal for businesses looking for advanced customization and AI features to personalize caller interactions.


  • Extensive customization options for tailored greetings and message handling
  • AI-powered tools for intelligent call routing and analysis
  • Strong focus on customer experience


  • Pricing may be higher than some competitors
  • AI features require a learning curve for optimal use



AnswerConnect prioritizes 24/7 availability and reliable message delivery, ensuring you never miss a lead or an important message. They offer various plans to cater to different call volumes.

Use Cases: Ideal for businesses requiring uninterrupted coverage and reliable message delivery, especially for those operating outside traditional business hours.


  • 24/7 availability for complete call coverage
  • Secure message delivery with encryption options
  • Variety of plans to accommodate different call volumes


  • Focus on core functionality may limit advanced features
  • Customization options might be less extensive than some competitors



PATLive excels in appointment scheduling, making it ideal for businesses that rely heavily on bookings and consultations. They also offer strong integrations with popular calendar and scheduling tools.

Use Cases: Ideal for businesses that require appointment scheduling functionality alongside basic call answering services.


  • Smooth integration with scheduling tools for efficient appointment management
  • Experienced virtual receptionists adept at handling appointment requests
  • Strong focus on customer service and caller satisfaction


  • Pricing might be higher due to the focus on scheduling features
  • Lacks some advanced features beyond appointment management

Specialty Answering Service (SAS)

Speciality Answering Service (SAS)

SAS caters to specific industries, offering deep knowledge and tailored solutions. This personalized approach can benefit businesses with complex needs or those in highly regulated sectors.

Use Cases: Ideal for businesses in specialized industries requiring industry-specific knowledge and compliance considerations.


  • Deep understanding of specific industries and their communication needs
  • Customized solutions for tailored workflows and message handling
  • Personalized service with dedicated representatives


  • Pricing may be higher due to the specialized services offered
  • Limited availability compared to broader answering services

MAP Communications

MAP Communications

MAP Communications offers customizable plans at a competitive price point. This allows businesses to tailor the service to their specific needs without breaking the bank. It also excels in call scripting, ensuring consistent messaging.

Use Cases: Ideal for businesses seeking a customizable solution with a focus on cost-effectiveness.


  • Customizable plans to match specific needs and budget constraints
  • Strong focus on call scripting for consistent brand messaging
  • Affordable pricing compared to some competitors


  • May lack advanced features like AI or extensive integrations
  • User interface might be less intuitive compared to some other options



Moneypenny positions itself as a premium answering service with a focus on professionalism and personalized attention. They offer dedicated receptionists and strong features for a polished customer experience.

Use Cases: Ideal for businesses that prioritize a high-touch, professional approach to customer interactions.


  • Dedicated receptionists for a personalized caller experience
  • Emphasis on professionalism and exceeding customer expectations
  • Robust feature set with advanced call management capabilities


  • Pricing reflects the premium service, potentially higher than some options
  • May be more than required for businesses with simpler needs

Ruby Receptionists

Ruby Receptionists

Ruby Receptionists offers a compelling package for budget-conscious businesses. They provide bilingual receptionists and basic call management features at a competitive price point.

Use Cases: Ideal for businesses with a diverse customer base requiring bilingual support.


  • Bilingual support for broader customer reach
  • Affordable pricing compared to premium services
  • User-friendly interface for managing calls and messages


  • Limited feature set compared to more expensive options
  • May lack advanced customization capabilities

Davinci Virtual

Davinci Virtual

Davinci Virtual caters to businesses with remote teams, offering a basic answering service solution. It provides virtual mailbox functionality and message forwarding to keep remote teams connected.

Use Cases: Ideal for remote-first businesses looking for basic call answering and message forwarding services.


  • Affordable pricing for basic call-answering needs
  • Easy setup and management for basic call forwarding


  • Limited feature set compared to more powerful options
  • May not be suitable for businesses requiring advanced functionalities
FeatureCloudCallVoiceNationAbbyConnectAnswerConnectPATLiveSAS (Specialty Answering Service)MAP CommunicationsMoneypennyRuby ReceptionistsDavinci Virtual
24/7 AvailabilityLimited, Monday to FridayYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
IntegrationsExtensive (CRMs, scheduling tools, etc.)LimitedModerateLimitedLimitedModerateLimitedModerateModerateLimited
Mobile AppYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Online ReportingYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
StrengthsCost-effective, scalable, integrates with numerous CRMsAffordable, good for low call volumeHigh customization, bilingual services24/7/365 availability, message encryptionAppointment scheduling, good customer serviceIndustry-specific expertise, personalized serviceHigh-touch service, ideal for medical or legal fieldsEstablished reputation, UK-basedBilingual receptionists, professional serviceAffordable, good for basic needs
WeaknessesNot for businesses with basic needsLower customization optionsLimited online presenceLess focus on technology integrationLacks some advanced featuresMay require long-term contractsPotentially higher pricing for complex needsHigher pricing for the US marketLimited customization optionsFewer integrations

By carefully considering your unique needs and budget, you can choose the answering service that perfectly complements your small business and improves your customer interactions. 

Boost Sales & Custoimer Satisfaction


How do small businesses use answering services?

Small businesses use answering services in a large variety of ways, including:

  • Handling calls during off-hours and weekends
  • Taking messages and scheduling appointments
  • Providing overflow support during peak call times
  • Screening calls and directing them to the appropriate person
  • Projecting a professional image to callers

What are the benefits of answering services for small businesses?

There are many benefits to using an answering service for your small business, including:

  • Improved customer service: Never miss a call, and ensure your customers are always greeted professionally. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Increased productivity: Free up your time and your team’s time to focus on core business activities, such as sales, marketing, and product development.
  • Enhanced flexibility: Maintain business continuity even when you’re unavailable. This is especially important for businesses that operate outside of traditional business hours or have remote teams.
  • Professional image: Project a polished and professional image to all callers, even when you’re busy or out of the office.
  • Scalability: Easily scale your answering service needs as your business grows. 

What is the difference between an answering service and an answering machine?

An answering service is a live service staffed by trained professionals who can answer your calls, take messages, and perform other tasks according to your instructions. An answering machine is a basic device that simply records a message from the caller. Here’s a table summarizing the key differences:

FeatureAnswering ServiceAnswering Machine
Live PersonYesNo
Message TakingDetailed & CustomizedBasic Recording
Features24/7 Availability, Call Screening, Message Delivery OptionsLimited Functionality
CostMonthly Subscription FeeOne-Time Purchase

Leveraging a top answering service for success

In conclusion, choosing the right answering service can significantly improve your business communications. By considering your specific needs and carefully evaluating your options, you can find a service that keeps your calls answered, your customers happy, and your business running smoothly.

CloudCall, with its flexible pricing, extensive features, and seamless integration with your existing business tools, offers a compelling solution for small businesses seeking a powerful and scalable answering service. CloudCall goes beyond just answering calls – it empowers you to streamline your workflow, improve customer service, and, ultimately, achieve your business goals. Book a demo today!