Enhancing Candidate Experience with Technology – Leveraging CloudCall for Effective Staffing Solutions

Enhancing Candidate Experience with Technology – Leveraging CloudCall for Effective Staffing Solutions

Why download this eGuide? In the rapidly evolving landscape of the staffing industry, understanding and enhancing the candidate experience has emerged as a crucial element for success. As we step into an era dominated by technological advancements and shifting workforce dynamics, the role of tailored communication solutions becomes increasingly significant. CloudCall’s pioneering integration with staffing…

5 lessons from Essentialism

5 lessons from Essentialism

5 lessons from Essentialism that will help your recruitment business Why download this eGuide? Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg Mckeown prioritises a focus on what really matters. Essentialism is about doing less but better, cutting out the noise (all that is non-essential) and focusing on what will really help you achieve your…

The 3Rs – How to Build a Recession-Resilient Forcefield for your Business

The 3Rs – How to Build a Recession-Resilient Forcefield for your Business

Shield your business from the recession  Why download this eGuide? Our brand new whitepaper ‘The 3Rs: How to Build a Recession-Resilient Forcefield for your Business’ explores why a recession happens and the steps you can take to minimise its damage on your business.   To be the driving force of change in your business, we introduce…

The workplace today: Employee wellbeing, productivity and customer service

The workplace today: Employee wellbeing, productivity and customer service

Flexible working is almost everywhere. Infact, 93% of companies in ANZ currently have a flexible work approach and as a result, productivity has increased. However, remote access to information can be problematic. with 46% of businesses say they’re unable to access information remotely as well as they can in an office environment. This means that…

Why poor communication is holding you back… and how to fix it

Why poor communication is holding you back… and how to fix it

It’s a fact: the inability to communicate effectively holds businesses back. How productively your business runs, relies on how well your teams can communicate and collaborate by collecting and using data. Sounds simple, right? Download our research to find out:• How businesses are prioritising data and communications to their advantage• How a strong integration between…

Recruit the best performer

Recruit the best performer

Your phone system is one of the most useful and most essential tools in your recruitment team’s arsenal. It’s the beating heart of your recruitment strategy and vital to your success. Without it you’d lose your biggest and most important channel for contacting candidates and filling roles. But what if it’s holding you back? Not…

It Just Clicks: Keep your customers happy

It Just Clicks: Keep your customers happy

The power of combining data & communication: It Just Clicks.. We commissioned a series of research papers, to explore how businesses are using the phone to have more productive communications with customers in a multi-channel environment. In this report, we examine why the use of telephony is increasing and how businesses are managing these changes.

No more phoning it in

No more phoning it in

CRM systems & integrations: what’s it all about? For a lot of businesses, the phone system is the most essential tool that sales people have.  It’s the beating, ringing heart of your operations and vital to your success. Without it, you would lose one of the biggest and most important channels for generating sales. But…