CloudCall enables Allen Recruitment to source global talent

We spoke to Brian Cunningham, MD of Allen Recruitment Consulting about his experiences of working with CloudCall. Brian discusses how our integrations have allowed his team to continue recruiting, even during lockdown.

Discover what Brian had to say about the flexibility CloudCall provides

Allen Recruitment Consulting, is a technology and finance recruitment consultancy firm, established in 1998, with offices in Ireland, UK and Europe.   They specialise in sourcing permanent, temporary and contract jobs with multinationals, early stage and indigenous companies, providing an unrivalled recruitment service.

We spoke to Managing Director, Brian Cunningham about the challenges they faced, and how CloudCall helped overcome them.

Allen Recruitment wanted to expand the number of candidates they source, by looking at increasing numbers of international candidates mostly based in European countries such as; Spain, Belgium, Greece, France and Poland.

One of the things that CloudCall’s integration with Bullhorn CRM has allowed Brian Cunningham and the team to do; is to give each of their recruiters a local phone number.

“When our candidates get a phone call from a local number, they are more likely to talk to us. This is a huge benefit, and it works really well.”

– Brian Cunningham, MD, Allen Recruitment.

Allen Recruitment has seen a big move to remote working, with their clients also being more open to people working remote.

“We’re finding that most of the candidates we are reaching out to are more comfortable having a phone conversation, than a video call. We still use a traditional call as our first point of contact.”

– Brian Cunningham, MD, Allen Recruitment.

“Traditionally we would have to bring people to London or Dublin to work for our clients, but now our clients are saying; ‘Let them work remotely, we don’t need them in the office’, which is great for all parties.”

Allen Recruitment has found that the CloudCall Go! App has been crucial in facilitating greater flexibility for their recruiters too. Having the app means they can get calls diverted to their mobiles, if they are ever away from their desks.

“CloudCall is so seamlessly integrated with Bullhorn, we don’t even notice it’s there.”

– Brian Cunningham, MD, Allen Recruitment.

Allen Recruitment has seen great benefits from using CloudCall’s integration with Bullhorn.

“The best parts of CloudCall for Bullhorn, are features like Click-to-dial, call data stored in the CRM and being able to quickly set up a Local Presence number, which is all really important for us.”

“If it’s not integrated with Bullhorn, we don’t consider it. Other platforms have integrations, but they’re not truly integrated with Bullhorn. For me, CloudCall is truly integrated.”

– Brian Cunningham, MD, Allen Recruitment.

Hear more of our success stories

Read about how the CPS group manage to save time and money by using CloudCall.

Read how Connexion increased candidate response rates through integrated texting with CloudCall for Bullhorn.

OfficeWorks found CloudCall on the Bullhorn Marketplace for communications options available to them … Read it here.

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