We’ve changed >100
things to make
1 thing better.
Your business.
CloudCall o1.
The one and only integrated
communication platform for Recruitment

Built from the ground up
The past few years have brought about an incredible shift in how we all work, communicate, and do business. That’s why we’ve launched a new CloudCall platform, CloudCall o1. Everything is new. Everything is remote-ready. Everything is specialised to your vertical.
No code from the old CloudCall is being moved to CloudCall o1. We started again from scratch. It still has all the things you love about the old CloudCall but now they’re redesigned and upgraded to better suit your business. There’s literally 1000s of upgrades – here’s a few to whet the appetite…
from anywhere
#15/100 Dashboard
Having to navigate to different menus and screens is not always the most effective so we have combined the supervisor panel and the activity feed into a single interface to make things easier to find and get straight to the key data.
agent productivity
#01/100 SMS Conversations
These used to be saved as one conversation log which is great for seeing everything in one place but not good for supervisors to monitor agent productivity. So we’ve added ‘individual events’. This means you can use CRM analytics to track activity by individual agents as everything is broken down day and synced every 15 minutes.
Entire conversations
saved to the CRM
#02/100 Dashboard
Now you can transcribe any of your call recordings so that you can quickly review, and reference specific details discussed during a call without having to listen to the whole call back again.
Learn more about the CloudCall o1 upgrades >>>
A simpler user
#04/100 SMS Conversations
The user interface (UI for short) is where you spend most of your time whether that’s in CloudCall or in your CRM. We have taken the approach to simplify and optimize the experience based on the latest software design principles (light weight, low touch) to deliver something that is more intuitive and will allow you to focus on what really matters – your candidates.
Get the best out
of your agents
#05/100 Intuitive Design
Desktop and mobile apps are available for all common operating systems (MacOS, Windows, iOS and Android) so that you can use our preferred device. There is nothing worse than finding that some functions are missing, or a button is in a different place when switching between devices so the new CloudCall apps have been built to deliver the same functionality and experiences no matter where you are or which device you prefer.
CloudCall o1. The one and only unified communication platform for businesses that use CRMs.
- Seamless experience across mobile, web and desktop for maximum agent productivity.
- Indestructible new infrastructure for business consistency and effortless scalability.
- Available for the World’s leading CRM’s