Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Recruitment
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Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Recruitment

In my previous article I covered some of the interesting Artificial Intelligence trends I see currently in the recruitment market. I’d like to dive a little deeper into one of these areas that’s come to the fore recently as we at CloudCall look to extend our offering and provide improved insights for our customers. In…

Why poor communication is holding your business back

Why poor communication is holding your business back

It’s a fact: poor communication holds businesses back. How productively your business runs, relies on how well your teams can communicate and collaborate by collecting and using data. Sounds simple, right? If your business loses focus on seamless communication; it’s not only performance which could plummet, but customer experience too. 52% of businesses rank increasing…

Improving insights: Artificial intelligence and recruitment

Improving insights: Artificial intelligence and recruitment

In this article I cover the state of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the field of recruitment. In particular the use of technologies such as data analytics, workflow automation and speech technology. I look at how these can be used to make life easier for agents and to help with nurturing new leads.

CloudCall wins big at the Network Computing Awards 2021

CloudCall wins big at the Network Computing Awards 2021

We are delighted to have won the ‘Telephony Product of the Year’ award at the Network Computing Awards 2021 last week at the London-based awards ceremony. The awards are judged through a validated nomination process and voted for by people in the industry and customers. Up against several competitors, we were awarded Telephony Product of the Year as a…

What your recruitment business needs to look like to thrive, with Neville James
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What your recruitment business needs to look like to thrive, with Neville James

CloudCall’s Senior Sales Director, Neville James, recently took part in a pre-event chat show for the Recruitment Technology Showcase Event, which is taking place on June 17th. The Live Chat Show was hosted by Louise Triance, UK Recruiter and Christina Robinson, Green Umbrella Marketing, Steve Barnhurst, Volcanic both joined Neville on the panel to discuss…

CRM integrations for customer service: The ultimate guide
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CRM integrations for customer service: The ultimate guide

Great customer service is critical to your business’s success.  If you’re lacking high quality customer service, then your customers won’t want to provide repeat business, refer their friends, or give good reviews. But how can you make sure your team is giving out the correct information to customers? And how to you know if inbound…

Reduce call queues and delight customers with CloudCall

Reduce call queues and delight customers with CloudCall

Providing quality customer service is one of the biggest targets for a call center team. And call queues can have a big impact on call centre resources and customer satisfaction levels. That’s why reducing queue times is consistently the number one priority for call centers year-round. In fact, nine out of ten businesses we spoke…

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