A quick Conversation with… Sean and Karen Conley, Co-founders, Amazing Yoga

Sean and Karen Conley discuss the story of Amazing Yoga, how they had to rapidly pivot their business model and how they use what they teach to personally cope with the current pandemic  

Listen to the full podcast now

Podcast highlights: 

  • How businesses can become more relevant and reach a wider audience in a time of crisis 
  • Discovering ways to connect with both existing and new audiences 
  • Importance of incorporating lessons learnt in lockdown into an old business model 
  • The importance of being fluid and adaptable, both personally and professionally 

Finding the positive in any situation can be difficult, but when your business is on the line it can be overwhelming. After 20+ years in the industry, Amazing Yoga has discovered the importance of making communication with its community accessible, and even engagement with new audiences in an uncertain time possible 

Sean and Karen discuss health, family and happiness in the time of lockdown, and the journey Amazing Yoga have taken through the current crisis. A journey through confusion and uncertainty, to accepting and embracing what can be learnt and turning it into a positive. Discovering the value in accepting and learning how to cope with changing business requirements has been key to developing Amazing Yoga through the COVID-19 lockdown 

This podcast is perfect for those who are discovering that the changes they have made may have altered the course of their business model and how to find the positive in that progression.  

As businesses, the one thing we have to learn is to be fluid. Trying to adapt to the current changing situation. We are discovering that there is more we can offer online. Things we could never offer in a studio.  Sean and Karen Conley, Co-founders, Amazing Yoga