Most companies have an extraordinary amount of information about their customers, but are they really getting the most out of it? If customer information is not easily accessible, it will just sit and gather digital dust. And instead of using conversation data to improve your services, things will become stagnant.
SO, do not let this valuable information go to waste!
Conversation data can be a powerful driver of customer retention and business insight. So, if you integrate communications with your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software, you’ll have all the data you need in one place for both your customers and your team. And this enables you to provide the best customer experience from a well-rounded perspective.
Using conversation data to build relationships
It’s quite simple really, if there’s more detailed information available within a CRM when taking or making a call, the business will be able to provide a better service. The ability to access and scan through detailed data instantly while speaking with a customer expands visibility into previous conversations. This allows for greater relationships to form, directly resulting in more sales. Having a Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) within your CRM can provide this vital relationship history. It also vital keeps contact information such as the name, address, professional details, email addresses and history with the organization at your fingertips.
This information, when made available for quick viewing, allows reps to offer a personalized and informed service. This will improve the customers’ perception of the business, and makes them feel more valuable. It will also reduce the time otherwise spent by reps searching for relevant data to handle each call.
Today, organizations can consistently deliver great customer experiences by taking advantage of data already collected by its marketing and sales teams. And it’s this high level of personalized service that allows them to work their way into their customer’s heart.
Leveraging team insights to increase productivity
Conversation data isn’t a great tool for customer insights. It can also provide a great deal of information about the performance of your teams.
Using conversation data, organizations can make better, more informed decisions by creating advanced analytics and dashboards around a team’s activities. The ability to track team calling activities and build insights based on which activities lead to the most success in-real time is critical in managing team performance and making sure staff are working at peak levels. Having these insights easily accessible is the best way to stay one step ahead and make sure that teams are consistently working as efficiently as possible.
Through advanced dashboards, businesses can track calls made by key departments, teams, or individuals. Analyzing call activity is beneficial for lowering average handle times (AHT). Make sure that the CTI software your business chooses to use (such as CloudCall) can categorize and measure the types of calls being made by reps and customers. This enables your business to provide sufficient team members to handle customer requests. In no time, you’ll know where your business is now and the changes needed to push forward.