Hey you, yeah you…. It’s time to talk about why YOUR business should switch from PBX to CTI, right now!
Do you use a CRM system to manage information related to customers and prospects? Does your sales team use a phone to contact prospects and then separately spend extra time storing data into the CRM? Is your customer services team unable to handle a large amount of inbound calls?
If you answered yes to at least two of those questions, it’s probably time to consider a switch from a traditional business phone system (PBX) to computer telephony integration (CTI)…
At CloudCall, we’re all about how technology has and continues to shape the future of telephony.
With our computer telephony integration (CTI) we bridge the gap between your phone system and the data that’s stored in your CRM. This will help your business to…
- Handle calls better
- Drive sales productivity
- Improve customer service satisfaction.
With a CTI helps you’re combining the best of both the worlds – the humble telephone meets modern cloud technology.
If you still need more convincing, here are 3 more ways that a CTI can supercharge your business in 2022.
Would you like to know more about what CloudCall’s CTI features can offer your business? If so, book a demo, today!